On August 15, 2018, the joint Architectural Institute of British Columbia and Engineers and Geoscientists BC Professional Practice Guidelines – Whole Building Energy Modelling Services were published by the two organizations. They were developed with funding and support from BC Hydro, the City of Vancouver and BC Housing.
The purpose of these guidelines is to standardize professional practice when architects and engineers are working on projects that utilize whole building energy modelling. The guidelines apply to architects and engineers who are providing, procuring, contributing to, and/or coordinating building energy modelling services on new and existing buildings of all types and sizes. These guidelines relate to professional practice. They are not technical guidelines, and do not provide specific instructions on how to conduct energy analysis and modelling.
If you have any questions about the guidelines, please contact Maura Gatensby Architect AIBC at mgatensby@aibc.ca.
Read the Joint AIBC/EGBC Professional Practice Guidelines – Whole Building Energy Modelling Services.