As of February 10, 2023, the Architectural Institute of British Columbia is officially under the authority of the Professional Governance Act (PGA). The Architects Act has been repealed, and the architectural profession is governed by the PGA and its regulations.
The AIBC encourages registrants to review the following regulatory authority materials, including the new Architects Regulation:
Professional Governance Act
The PGA is broad and general legislation designed to modernize professional regulation and provide oversight of several regulatory bodies in British Columbia. It clarifies the role of regulatory bodies, and also establishes the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance, which reports into the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. The PGA defines the AIBC’s mandate and governing authority, and sets standard requirements for key elements of professional governance. It also outlines the obligations and standards that all registrants under the PGA must meet.
View the Professional Governance Act
Professional Governance General Regulation
The Professional Governance General Regulation further defines the obligations and standards set out in the PGA, and covers a variety of subjects, including the nomination process for Board Members and requirements for public disclosure of certain regulatory information.
View the Professional Governance General Regulation
Architects Regulation
The Architects Regulation addresses transitional items and elements that were previously in the Architects Act, including establishing the “reserved practice” for architects (formerly Section 60, or the ‘exceptions’), and reserved titles.
View the Architects Regulation
AIBC Bylaws
AIBC Bylaws is the single-source document for the regulation of the architectural profession in British Columbia, setting the specific standards and procedures that apply to the AIBC and its registrants. Schedules are regulatory documents that can be found at the end of the AIBC Bylaws; examples of Schedules include the Fee Schedule, the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, a number of Board Rules, and Administrative Guidelines regarding specific AIBC requirements and programs. The AIBC continues to refine and modernize the Bylaws, and all amendments can be found on the AIBC website.
Frequently Asked Questions
The AIBC is committed to assisting registrants navigate the transition, including where to find regulatory requirements and professional standards. Registrants and the public are encouraged to reach out to the AIBC at or use the Practice Advice Program if they have any questions about the transition and its impact on the AIBC’s governance or professional standard requirements.
There is also a dedicated Frequently Asked Questions webpage that provides additional information on a range of PGA transition topics, including questions such as:
- How has the definition of Good Standing changed under the PGA?
- Are protected titles and designations remaining the same?
- Are there any changes to firm regulation?
In July 2020, the Government of British Columbia announced that the AIBC would be transitioning legislation from the Architects Act to the Professional Governance Act. The Architects Act was outdated, and it was determined that the transition to the PGA would better align the profession with current societal and governmental expectations and standards, as well as allow the AIBC to more effectively regulate the profession in the public’s interest.
For the past several years, the AIBC has been providing updates on the transition. Below are key updates shared by year:
- July: Updated descriptive material “Architects Regulation: Reserved Practice of Architecture July 2024” published
- September: Descriptive material “Architects Regulation: Reserved Practice of Architecture” published
- June: Amendments made to the Professional Governance Act, passed Royal Assent on June 2, 2022
- April: Professional Governance Act Town Hall Recap
- February: AIBC Documents and Regulatory Resources
- January: President’s Message | Date Announcement: PGA Transition
- January: Volunteer Program Changes and New Opportunities Available
- January: What You Need to Know Before the PGA Transition
- Bylaw Consultation: Complaints, Investigation, and Discipline Bylaw Consultation
- Consultation: Excerpt from the Draft Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
- December: Impact on Registrants, the Regulator, and the Public
- November: Update on Reserved Practice
- October: Code of Ethics Update
- July: Changes to the CES Program under the Professional Governance Act
- July: Regulation Versus Advocacy
- Bylaw Consultation: Registration and Licensing Bylaw Consultation
- May: Professional Governance Act Amendments and Next Steps
- May: Dispelling Four Myths about the AIBC Transition to the PGA
- April: Professional Governance Transition – April Update
- February: Timeline Update: Professional Governance Act Transition
- December: AIBC PGA Transition December 2021 Update
- March: AIBC Professional Governance Act Transition Update