The below is an overview of the bylaw review process under the Architects Act. The AIBC transitioned to the Professional Governance Act in February 2023. The below information is for reference and archival purposes only.
AIBC Council established the Bylaw Review Committee (BRC) in 2011 to work with staff on a coordinated review of the Institute’s bylaws. The BRC is tasked with reviewing bylaws and making recommendations to council with respect to any bylaw amendments, deletions and/or new bylaws that may be appropriate in the context of the and the AIBC’s public interest and professional regulation mandate.
Since 2011, the AIBC has been engaged in a comprehensive bylaw review process to address both substantive bylaw subject matter areas and more routine amendments.
Beginning in 2012, AIBC members and honorary members voted on a series of amendments and new bylaws. Read about the Institute’s completed bylaw review initiatives.
Bylaw Review Process
The AIBC has an extensive bylaw review process. A brief overview is provided below.
1. BRC Research / Council Review and Approval
The BRC works with AIBC staff to develop bylaw initiatives to modernize the Institute’s bylaws. Draft bylaw amendments are submitted to AIBC Council for review and approval in principle. Once council gives approval in principle, a member consultation and feedback process begins.
2. Consultation and Feedback
Council policy requires a member consultation process when council supports any bylaw amendments. Depending on the subject matter and complexity of the bylaw amendments, the duration and depth of the consultation period will vary. Bylaw consultation includes notification and posting of the bylaw initiative to architects, other registrants and the public through publication on the AIBC website, with opportunities to provide feedback to the Institute.
Members are invited to participate in consultation sessions that address proposed bylaw amendments and provide their feedback to the BRC and council. Sessions are held via webinar and in-person in order to facilitate greater member participation.
The BRC also solicits member feedback via electronic means such as online feedback forms or direct email ( Electronic input can be submitted at any time during the consultation period.
All feedback is reviewed by staff and the BRC and often results in modified bylaw language or additional information and FAQs. At the end of the consultation period, the BRC prepares a final bylaw submission that incorporates all of the feedback for council’s review. Council can approve the bylaw amendments to proceed to the next phase, which is a member vote, or council can ask the BRC for further information, revisions, or additional consultation.
3. Member Vote
All Architects AIBC in good standing and honorary members are entitled and encouraged to vote on proposed new and amended bylaws.
In 2014, AIBC voters approved bylaws allowing AIBC Council to establish rules for electronic voting for council elections and for amendments to bylaws. For each bylaw initiative, voting instructions and a link to an electronic ballot is emailed directly to eligible voters.
Recent bylaw initiatives have been conducted by electronic voting with much success – read more about the Institute’s completed bylaw review initiatives.
4. Bylaw Passage
The passage of AIBC bylaws requires a minimum of two-thirds of affirmative majority approval of ballots cast.
Under the , notice of bylaw changes must be sent to the provincial government within seven days of passage; the province then has 45 days to consider whether to disallow the bylaws.
5. Bylaw in Effect
Only when the bylaw amendments successfully pass the provincial government’s disallowance period do they come into force.
Bylaw Work Plan
The Bylaw Review Comittee continues to analyze the Institute’s bylaws from both an organizational and structural perspective, with a view to the Institute’s needs in the 21st century.
As bylaw work continues, a work plan was created to provide an overview of upcoming initiatives. The work plan was also developed to help guide the Institute and the Bylaw Review Committtee through the extensive process of reviewing and updating its entire bylaw structure. The work plan will be updated as bylaw review progresses.
View the 2019–2020 Bylaw Work Plan (PDF).
The previous bylaw work plan is available for review: 2015–2018 Bylaw Work Plan (PDF).
Registrants are welcome to provide comments on any bylaw review issue to the BRC at