Firm Registrants include Architectural Firms and Inactive Architectural Firms. Architectural Firms are issued a Certificate of Practice and are able to practise the profession of architecture in British Columbia. Inactive Architectural Firms, for which a Certificate of Practice is not issued, are not able to practise the profession of architecture in the province.
An architect must not practise or offer to practise the profession of architecture in British Columbia unless the person is a principal, shareholder, or employee authorized to practise through an Architectural Firm holding a Certificate of Practice.
It is important to note that all Architectural Firms holding a Certificate of Practice must also hold professional liability insurance (PLI), and comply with applicable AIBC Bylaws and Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. For further information regarding PLI, including coverage amount requirements, review Schedule M: Board Rules for Professional Liability Insurance, found in the AIBC Bylaws (PDF).
Types of Firms
Sole Proprietor
Inactive Architectural Firms
AIBC Contact
Please contact the Registration & Licensing department at for more information.