The Professional Governance Act requires that Registrants hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public, including the protection of the environment. The AIBC is providing resources for Registrants to support their meeting of these obligations.
In recognition of its importance, protection of the environment has been embedded into the AIBC’s 2024–2028 Strategic Plan, which sets the Institute’s priorities for the next five years:
- Continue to support Registrants’ adherence to the ethical principles described in the PGA and AIBC Bylaws, including protection of the environment, through practice advice and continuing education initiatives.
- Maintain an active awareness of the public’s values and needs in relation to the built environment, and align regulatory practices as required and as appropriate.
AIBC Actions Taken So Far
For many years, the AIBC has been taking action as a regulator on matters related to sustainability, climate action, and the protection of the environment. Below are several highlights of the AIBC’s involvement across the industry:
- Advising and Working with Industry Partners
The AIBC sits on several advisory groups and works with many industry partners to advise on the development of policies, regulations, standards, technical guidelines, and compliance reports. The AIBC has been an active member of the BC Energy Step Code Council since its inception and is also part of the BC Housing technical document review team, whereby it provides input on improving technical documents related to higher performing buildings.
- Developing Practice Guidelines and Materials
The AIBC has supported the BC Energy Step Code by publishing Practice Guideline: BC Energy Step Code – Application, and was a contributor to the Part 3 Compliance Reports. To provide more resources for architects, the AIBC has worked on several Canadian Standard Association Standards related to energy use in buildings, such as CSA Z5000-18 Building Commissioning for Energy Using Systems and CSA/ANSI Z5020-23 Building Energy Modelling. The AIBC also collaborates with Engineers and Geoscientists BC to develop and published joint practice guidelines, such as “Whole Building Energy Modelling Services” and “Encapsulated Mass Timber Construction Up to 12 Storeys”.
- Providing Learning Opportunities
The AIBC regularly offers learning opportunities to Registrants on environmental protection and green building through its Conference, seasonal PD Series, and Recognized Educational Provider (REP) Program. Many of the learning opportunities available through the REP program are solely focused on sustainability matters. The AIBC welcomes proposals on continuing education sessions on climate action related topics, which can be submitted through the AIBC Call for Submissions form.
- Supporting External Environmental Initiatives
Through its website and the e-newsletter ‘Connected’, the AIBC shares local and provincial environmental updates and initiatives with AIBC Registrants, ranging from City of Vancouver’s ZebX events to the Canadian Green Building Awards.
Updates & What’s Next?
Over the next year, the AIBC will continue to provide more climate action resources and learning opportunities for Registrants. Several sessions related to sustainability and the environment will be held at the 2024 AIBC Conference, from April 22 to 24.
The AIBC is also looking into developing specific climate action courses for Registrants, whereby practical information would be shared on how to advise and assist clients in going beyond minimum code requirements. The AIBC welcomes input from Registrants interested in contributing to this initiative.
Share Feedback with the AIBC on Sustainability
AIBC has set up a dedicated email address,, for feedback on climate action. The Institute is also seeking proposals for climate action course ideas, and materials related to sustainability. This information will be used to help shape future learning opportunities and resource development.
Participate in the RAIC Climate Action Plan- Public Consultation Questionnaire
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is seeing feedback on their Climate Action Plan, specifically on the following areas: commitment, guiding principles, priority areas and actions. Feedback can be shared with the RAIC via an online questionnaire – the deadline to participate is April 12, 2024.
Participate in the RAIC Climate Action Plan Questionnaire by April 12, 2024
Climate Action Resource Document
The AIBC has published a document, “Climate Action Resources“, to share resources with Registrants on climate and sustainability, as they relate to the practice of architecture. Please note that the list is not exhaustive, and that Registrants are encouraged to send additional resources to