At the September 13, 2016 council meeting, the AIBC Council dealt with the below items.
Governance Committee
1) Council discussed the Retired Architect liaison to council position that was recommended in both the July 12 and September 1, 2016 Governance Committee meetings. The recommendation supports representation of the three associate categories (Retired Architect AIBC, Intern Architect AIBC, Architectural Technologist AIBC) as non-voting liaisons to council.
Council approved the following motions:
- The annual invitation of a Retired Architect AIBC candidate as a non-voting guest of council.
- That the CEO trigger the Expression of Interest process seeking submissions from interested Retired Architect AIBCs for the liaison to council position for the remainder of the 2016/17 council year.
- That the Governance Committee add to its 2016/17 annual work plan draft of a new council policy regarding liaisons to council positions under Policy Focus: Governing Process, for council’s approval.
2) Council passed a motion to update four sets of council rules. The amendments include replacing the outdated ‘executive director’ title with ‘Chief Executive Officer’, which was changed in the bylaws in January 2016, as well as other housekeeping items. The rules being amended are:
- AIBC Council Meeting Rules
- AIBC Council Rules for E-Voting for Bylaw Amendments
- AIBC Council Rules for E-Voting for Council Elections
- AIBC Council Rules for Electronic Voting and Council Meetings
See the proposed rules in full.
In keeping with Council Policy 3.10, members and associates are given at least 30 days’ notice regarding any proposed amendments to council rules. Architects and other registrants are invited to provide feedback on these proposed amendments. Please submit your feedback via the online feedback form by midnight on October 13, 2016. Feedback received will be provided to council prior to its vote on these rules, expected for the November 8, 2016 council meeting.
Act Review Working Group
- Noted that it was discovered that an old version of the Architects Act was posted on the BC Laws website, which has now been corrected.
- After receiving a proposal to build awareness and relationships with the government, it was discussed and agreed that an RFP for such an initiative would be included in the 2017 budget process.
Finance Committee
- Balances are normal for this time of year but will increase again in the July statements when CES fine invoices are recorded.
- The 2017 budget will be included in September 28th council planning session. A 5-year projection will be provided to council members for evaluation.
Chief Executive Officer Report
- The Chief Executive Officer attended a number of events including the quarterly meeting of the International Relations Committee (CALA), the Future of the Profession working group, a meeting with the President and Executive Director of the Planning Institute of BC, a meeting with the CEO and COO of APEGBC, and the Architecture Centre Strata AGM.
- Walking Tour Program Summary: Close to 1,300 participants enjoyed tours in Vancouver and Victoria, a 29% increase from 2015, with 98% of survey respondents recommending the tour. New this year: easy-to-use online booking system; complimentary tours, offered through our corporate social responsibility program, welcomed 67 participants from SUCCESS, the Gathering Place, Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Society, and Victoria Community Living Association; AIBCFAM initiative targeted architecture firms with increased number of AIBC registrants participating; TripAdvisor campaign rose review rankings by 22 points; and, substantial media coverage across the country.
- architectureBC: 2016 edition of architectureBC was published and distributed to more than 3,500 AIBC registrants and key stakeholders.
- Registration: 17 architects registered in the month of August, which is the most in a single month in several years. Of the 17, 10 were from the IAP.
- Freedom of Information Request: One FOI request was received, from a member, regarding the Register. The request will be processed following the normal protocols.
- Lifetime Achievement Award: a nomination will be brought forward for Council’s consideration at the Sept 28th meeting.
- Risk Register: of particular interest is that eight items have had their probability of occurrence reduced as a result of mitigation activities that were undertaken.
Public Outreach Committee
- The committee conducted a brainstorming session in order to refine the current definition of outreach.
- Once agreement was reached, the committee agreed that the recommendation should be brought forward at next council planning session for discussion.
Registration Board
- Council approved the AIBC Register Amendments and Examination Results that were accepted to the register by the Registration Board on July 22, 2016.
Other Business
- Read adopted July 12 council meeting minutes and Registration Board Reports to council for July and August 2016
- Council approved receipt of the following Policy Compliance documents: 1.11 Financial Management/Statements, and Council Policy 1.31, 1.32, 1.33, 1.34, 1.35, 1.36, 1.37, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16
- Council received updated Terms of References for all council committees.
The next regular meeting of AIBC Council is scheduled for November 8, 2016. It will be held at the AIBC office between 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. For those interested in attending an AIBC Council Meeting, please confirm your attendance in advance by email to