Intern Architects AIBC are reminded that as CES Participants, they are part of the AIBC’s mandatory Continuing Education System (CES) and that their first reporting deadline is June 30, 2022. Intern architects are required to earn and report 36 Learning Units (LUs) each two-year reporting period, with a minimum of 16 LUs being Core.
Here are several frequently asked questions and answers from intern architects regarding the Continuing Education System:
1. If I register as an architect mid-way through the reporting period, do my CES requirements restart again?
No – you stay in the same reporting period and continue with the same requirements and deadline. Any LUs earned as an Intern Architect AIBC will transfer over to your Architect AIBC record.
2. Is my study time for the Oral Review or ExAC eligible for LUs?
Yes. This study time can be self-reported under the category of “Examination – Independent Study” for Non-core LUs. One hour of study time is equal to one LU. When self-reporting, remember to include detailed learning objectives about the material that was studied.
3. Can educational activities that I complete outside of the AIBC count towards LUs?
Yes. Any educational activity that is architecturally relevant can be self-reported. For more information on what is eligible as Core or Non-core and how to self-report, please review the following resources:
- Bulletin 80: Mandatory Continuing Education System (CES)
- Practice Guideline: Continuing Education System (CES)
- Intern Architects are now CES Participants – Requirements Recap
- CES for Intern Architects | Revisiting Frequently Asked Questions
- Overview of the AIBC Continuing Education System (CES)
4. I took the mandatory courses prior to becoming a CES Participant – do those courses count towards this reporting period?
No, as back-dating is not permitted. Only courses taken after July 1, 2020 count towards the current CES period requirements.
Please note that the mandatory IAP courses are not currently being delivered. Online delivery of these courses is anticipated to launch spring 2022 – please view the AIBC website for more information.
AIBC Contact
The AIBC is committed to supporting Intern Architects AIBC as they complete the requirements of their first CES reporting period. Please reach out to the professional services department at with any questions.