The AIBC’s transition to the Professional Governance Act (PGA) is taking longer than originally anticipated.
The completion of the transition has been delayed until the second half of 2022 as the government makes amendments to the PGA itself, to allow for designation of new regulatory bodies. These changes are anticipated to be completed by the provincial government in the spring, and will allow for an easier and more complete transition that includes development of Regulations and bylaws relating the practice of architecture under the PGA. The exact date the AIBC will be fully under the PGA will be shared with registrants as soon as its available.
In the meantime, the AIBC is continuing to review and update all bylaws and the Code of Ethics to ensure they are compliant with PGA requirements. The first round of bylaws to be shared with registrants will be the Registration bylaws in March. Registrants are encouraged to provide feedback during the consultation process.
To learn more about the Professional Governance Act transition, please visit the AIBC website.