BC Hydro is hosting an information session on the new Multi-Unit Residential Building Retrofit Program launching in September 2024.
The Multi-Unit Residential Building Retrofit Program is a joint venture between BC Hydro and The Province of British Columbia through their CleanBC program, to provide rebates and support for lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing energy efficiency in the multi-unit residential building sector. This is an area that has historically been overlooked and underserved due to the unique challenges and complexities. This program is available to purpose-built market rental, condominium, or equity co-op buildings. The qualified building types are low-rise apartment, high-rise apartment and stacked townhome buildings, three stories or higher with common area lighting and central mechanical systems.
During this session product management staff will provide an introduction to:
- An overview of the program
- Rebate amounts
- Program eligibility criteria
- Equipment eligibility
- Finding a contractor
Multi-Unit Residential Building Retrofit Program Information Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, September 11
Time: 1–2 p.m. PT
Microsoft Teams: Join the meeting | Meeting ID: 217 605 054 618 | Passcode: b8DDPs