There are several changes being made at the Building Code Appeal Board:
Revised Meeting Schedule
The Board has received feedback that the process is too slow. In response, the Board has set aside its once-a-month meeting schedule and is piloting a twice-a-month schedule, with meetings scheduled for the first and third Thursdays of each month. The objective is to keep projects and processes on track by resolving Code disputes more quickly.
Application Deadlines
Applications received no later than 15 calendar days prior to each meeting will be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting.
Contact Information
As a tribunal, the Board makes decisions that are independent from government but the Board’s operations have been closely tied to the Building and Safety Standards Branch. To decrease operational reliance on the Branch, and to streamline Board processes, the Board is pleased to onboard new communications, as outlined below:
Building Code Appeal Board
Unit 1270 – 605 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 5J3
Phone Number:
Coming soon
Application Form
These changes are indicated on the Board’s website and on the updated Appeal Application form.
The Board recognizes that Code compliance disputes can create delays and bottlenecks in the construction sector, inhibit productivity in that important contributor to the provincial economy, and even squeeze the supply of new housing. Their goal is to provide timely and efficient access to the dispute-settling mechanism – an appeal decision.
If you have any questions about these changes, or about the Building Code Appeal Board in general, please visit their website or email