This is a public and Registrant notification that the updated AIBC Bylaws, including a new Professional Standard regarding communicating adequately and in a timely manner with authorities having jurisdiction, are now in effect.
Approved by the AIBC Board on November 12, 2024, the Bylaw amendments were submitted to the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance for approval and filing with the minister. After review, the Superintendent declared the Bylaw amendments in force, effective December 4, 2024. The updated AIBC Bylaws (PDF) are now available on the AIBC website.
A summary of all the amendments can be found in the AIBC Bylaws Amendments Chart, as well as on the Code of Ethics Amendments webpage. There are several noteworthy changes of which AIBC Registrants must be aware – these changes are summarized below:
- New Duty to Communicate with Authorities Having Jurisdiction Professional Standard (PS: 5.14)
The new Professional Standard requires Registrants to communicate adequately and in a timely manner with authorities having jurisdiction. This standard addresses an issue identified by AIBC Practice Advice of a pattern of Architects failing to respond to, or adequately communicate with, local governments, particularly when they are acting as applicants for permits on behalf of Clients. This standard allows for context, discretion, and professional judgement and is intended to address egregious circumstances of inadequate communication or responsiveness. It is not intended to prescribe any ‘respond no later than’ deadlines nor the content of communication, but instead to confirm that reasonable communication with authorities is a professional obligation. This new standard supplements Professional Standard 5.4 which requires Registrants to communicate adequately with Clients.
- Firm Continuing Education, Mandatory Firm Registrants Course (Bylaw 5.26)
The amendments clarify that effective January 1, 2025, in order to obtain a new Certificate of Practice, all Registrant applicants who are in an ownership position (sole proprietors, partners, and directors and/or shareholders of voting shares in a corporation) must complete the Mandatory Firm Registrants Course (“Firm Course”). In addition, any owner-Registrants who ‘join’ an existing Firm after January 1, 2025, will be required to complete the Firm Course within 90 days of submission of the ‘Firm Change’ form.New Schedule T: Board Rules for Firm Continuing Education is authorized by Bylaw 5.25 and sets out the detailed requirements for Firm Continuing Education, including who needs to take the course and the consequences for non-compliance.
NOTE: The Firm Registrant requirements to prepare a Professional Practice Management Plan (Bylaw 5.27 and 5.28) and to develop and deliver a continuing education program (Bylaw 5.26.3), are not in effect as they are still in development. Once finalized, Registrants will receive notification and ample time, as well as several resources such as templates, to become compliant with these requirements.
- Federal Government-Employed Architects (Bylaw 4.36)
Bylaw 4.36 has been amended to allow Architects who are practising architecture for and employed by the Government of Canada to be exempt from the requirement to practice architecture through a Certificate of Practice. This amendment replicates the similar exemption that was previously found in the Architects Act section 60(i). Note that such exemption does not change the core regulatory requirements for these Registrants, such as those for registration, continuing education, and Professional Standards.
Questions and Comments
The Institute will continue to review and refine the AIBC Bylaws. If you have any questions or comments about the amendment process or AIBC Bylaws, please email