The Discipline Notice publishes findings and admissions of unprofessional conduct by AIBC Registrants.
As the regulator of the architectural profession in British Columbia, the AIBC establishes, monitors, and enforces standards of ethical and professional conduct for all AIBC Registrants: Architects, Architectural Firms, Intern Architects, Architectural Technologists, Retired Architects, and Temporary Licensees (Architects). More information is available on the AIBC’s professional conduct webpage and in the Professional Governance Act, the AIBC Bylaws, and the AIBC’s Schedule A: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
All Discipline Violations are Published in accordance with the requirements under AIBC Bylaw heading 8.0 Public Disclosure.
AIBC Discipline Decisions
Peter Clewes Architect AIBC made admissions, by way of a consent order, that he breached:
- sections 27(2), 59 and 63 of the repealed Architects Act and former AIBC Bylaw 30.1 council ruling (a) and Bylaw 33.3 from the Code of Ethics (effective April 17, 2015, and December 15, 2020), by providing architectural services on a project without being registered as an architect and holding a certificate of practice with the AIBC;
- and former AIBC Bylaw 28.0 and council ruling (b) from the Code of Ethics (effective December 15, 2020), by providing architectural services to a client without ensuring compliance with the required terms of professional engagement.
The facts and terms of this consent order were acknowledged and agreed to by Peter Clewes Architect AIBC and the AIBC, and approved by the Investigation Committee on August 19, 2024.
Kevin Ryan Architect AIBC made admissions, by way of a consent order, that he breached Professional Standards 8.2 and 8.6 of the AIBC Bylaws, Schedule A: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, by failing to securely maintain his digital certificate password.
The facts and terms of this consent order were acknowledged and agreed to by Kevin Ryan Architect AIBC and the AIBC, and approved by the Investigation Committee on August 19, 2024.
Further information about the AIBC’s professional conduct and disciplinary processes, including current Discipline Violations, and how to file a complaint, can be found on the AIBC Professional Conduct webpage.
The AIBC also publishes recent summaries of illegal practice resolutions involving individuals and companies not registered with the AIBC, which can be found on the AIBC Illegal Practice webpage.