Board Code of Conduct
The Board Code of Conduct provides the essential behavioural expectations and standards that apply to all Board Members and all invited guests to the Board. The principles and standards set out in the Board Code of Conduct are supported by AIBC Board policies and rules. The document including appendices establishes a foundation for ethical behaviour and expectations, as well as more specific guidelines with respect to identifying and addressing conflicts of interest.
- Schedule C: Board Code of Conduct (PDF)
- Schedule D: Board Conflict of Interest Administrative Guidelines (PDF)
Board Policy
In June 2024, following a comprehensive review to meet PGA and Bylaw requirements, the AIBC published modernized and refined Board Policies. Organizational governance consists of two necessary and complimentary elements – governing and managing. The Board Policies establish the standards of organizational conduct that guide the direction, decisions, and conditions within which the Board and staff operate.
The new Board Policies are grouped into three categories:
- Regulatory Governance – policies identifying Board level and governance related statutory or regulatory requirements. (Coming Soon)
- Board Governance and Operations – policies identifying the functioning of the Board itself, including succession planning and evaluation.
- Organizational Performance – policies identifying any imitations or outcomes the Board places on the CEO in delivering operationally in specific areas, and the relationship between the Board and the CEO.
Part 1: Regulatory Governance
(Coming Soon)
Part 2: Board Governance and Operations
- 2.1 Governance Model and Board Duties (PDF)
- 2.2 Board Officer Roles (PDF)
- 2.3 Board Member Duties and Responsibilities (PDF)
- 2.4 Board Operations (PDF)
- 2.5 Annual General Meeting and Board Election (PDF)
Part 3: Organizational Performance
- 3.1 Personnel and Contractor Relations (PDF)
- 3.2 Personal Information Management (PDF)
- 3.3 Financial and Asset Management (PDF)
- 3.4 Information Technology and Electronic Communications Usage (PDF)
- 3.5 Chief Executive Officer Selection, Authority, Monitoring and Reporting (PDF)
- 3.6 Communications and External Relations (PDF)
Note: Board Policies continue to be developed, and will be added to this webpage once finalized.